
The gastroenterologists and upper GI surgeons at SA Gastrointestinal Services are able to perform a number of procedures, such as:

Informed consent

Our aim is to fully inform you prior to your procedure so that you understand the reason why you are having it. It’s natural to be apprehensive prior to being admitted to hospital, but our team will make it as seamless and comfortable as possible. At a minimum, you should know:

  • the reason for your procedure/operation,
  • the nature and risks,
  • the probable length of hospital stay,
  • any aftercare, and
  • the expected cost.

Procedure and follow up

Our administrative staff will arrange your hospital booking and supply all necessary paperwork. They will also be in touch after the procedure to book any follow up appointments. Reports of your progress will be sent to your referring GP at regular intervals and on completion of your treatment.